Examining Moral Distress in Health Care

Posted on Nov. 24, 2023, 11:01 a.m.

Join us on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 1 - 2 p.m. ET for a webinar on Examining Moral Distress in Health Care.

This webinar is in partnership with RNAO, Harm Reduction Nurses Association, Mental Health Nursing Interest Group, Community Health Nurses’ Initiative Group, Moms Stop the Harm and the National Safer Supply Community of Practice.

This webinar will provide participants with a deeper understanding regarding moral distress and to learn about the role of workplace psychosocial safety in creation of a supportive environment.  

This webinar aims to:

  • enhance understanding regarding moral distress; 
  • develop skill to recognize how moral distress presents and how it is experienced;
  • reflect on the systemic and structural challenges and its impacts on moral distress 
  • analyze the role of workplace psychological safety as it relates to org and system support 

Presenters and credentials:
Corey Ranger, RN, BN.  Clinical Nurse Specialist, AVI Health & Community Services and President, Harm Reduction Nurses Association

Dr. Rosanra Yoon, MN, PhD, NP-Adult,  Assistant Professor, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Faculty of Community Services, Toronto Metropolitan University and Evaluation and QI Lead, Mid-West Toronto Ontario Health Team

Jenna Bennett, RN, MPH student LSHTM, Harm Reduction Community Health Nurse

Register now!


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