January update

Posted on Jan. 9, 2019, 1:39 p.m.

Dear member,

Happy new year! Warmest greetings from your Region 6 executive to each of our valued members.

2019 will bring new opportunities for each of you to engage and work collaboratively to speak out for nursing and for health. 

One opportunity is becoming a consultation representative.  

Toronto West is eligible to send 16 consultation representatives to RNAO’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Friday, April 12, 2019 at the Toronto Hilton Hotel.

As a consultation representative, you will weigh in on resolutions submitted by members that will help shape the association’s agenda. Consultation representatives are reimbursed shared accommodations and travel to attend the AGM (see reimbursement guidelines). The AGM is your chance to see your association at work for you and is a great place to meet your nursing colleagues from across the province.

How to register as a consultation representative:

Registration as a consultation representative is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register using this link: https://myrnao.ca/2019ConsultationRepsRegistration. The deadline to register is Monday, Feb. 11, 2019.

If registration as a consultation representative is full, you can also register as an alternate. Please note that alternates are not reimbursed unless they are required to act as a consultation representative.

If there are any issues registering, please contact Ifrah Ali, RNAO board affairs coordinator at iali@RNAO.ca.

Also, your executive is working on our region AGM. Our Region 6 AGM will be a combination of business and self care that includes honouring at least one of our long-time members. If you have any ideas you would like to share to include in our AGM, please connect with any of our executive members. This year there will also be changes to your executive including your president. Stay tuned for more details.  

We look forward to seeing you at the various upcoming RNAO activities.

Region 6 executive team