Introduction to 2018-2019 Region 6 executive

Posted on Sept. 5, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

Hi Region 6 member,

With joy, we share the results of our Region 6 election and introduce you to your Region 6 executive team for 2018-2019: 

  • board representative: Hilda Swirsky, RN, BScN, MEd
  • policy & political action executive network officer (ENO):  Micheal De Wit 
  • policy & political action associate: Maria Negri
  • communications ENO: Piroska Bata
  • social media ENO: Emma Van Wijingaarden 
  • financial ENO: Marva McCalla
  • membership ENO: Charmaine Hermans
  • workplace Liaison ENO: Angela Golabek
  • workplace liaison (Toronto Western): Janny Lee
  • assembly representative: Kamala Persad-Ford
  • assembly representative:  Abigail Rodriguez
  • student representative (Humber/UNB): Hamdeep Hehar
  • student representative (Seneca): Vacant
  • student representatives (York University): Carolyn Liow 
  • student representative (University of Toronto): Tulakshiga Selvarajah

On behalf of all members in Region 6; we want to profoundly thank Paula Manuel for her commitment and dedication to Region 6 for many years.

Region 6 executive