Dear Members:
CHNC is pleased to announce our next webinar for November 2023, which is brought to you by the CHNC Leadership Committee!
There is no charge to attend this webinar, and all are welcome to join! Please feel free to share this webinar information widely.
Title of Webinar:
Health Equity & Community Health Nursing: One Organization’s Journey
Date: Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023
Time: 12-1 pm ET (9-10 am PT; 10-11 am MT; 11 am - 12 pm CT; 1-2 pm AT)
To register for this webinar, click here
Learning objectives for this webinar:
· To share Key Health Equity Concepts
· To briefly describe Ontario Public Health Standards
· To identify Nursing Ethics and Code of Conduct
· To provide an overview Public Health Sudbury & Districts’ Health Equity Journey
· To outline opportunities to Make Health Equity Efforts More Impactful
Presenter Bio:
Sandra Laclé, RN, BN, MScN
Sandra Laclé, Acting Director at Public Health Sudbury & Districts has returned from a brief retirement to continue her contribution and passion for public health leadership and ensuring access to health for communities. Sandra entered the public health leadership realm more than 30 years ago and has led in roles of executive director (acting) and director for teams of 75 to 500 people. Sandra has a passion for helping leaders contribute to their full potential as they work collectively, across sectors, to achieve their goals and make a difference in the health of communities. Sandra’s work is grounded in her nursing experience (BN Class of 1982) working front line in public health, long term care and acute care. She has also held management roles each of these sectors, as well as a volunteer membership on several Boards and Committees.
Thanks and regards,
Submit your Abstracts! CHNC2024: Community Health Nursing - Health for All, April 22-24, 2024 in Toronto, Ontario!