Candidates for the Student Representative Board of Director Positions (2021-2022)

Posted on July 27, 2021, 11:14 a.m.


CHNIG Candidates for the Student Representative Board of Director Positions (2021-2022)

One member, one vote


Dear members,

CHNIG has received three nominations for the student representative positions (2 positions) for CHNIG BOD 2021-2022. You can learn more about each of our candidates below:

Christine Gadsby

My name is Christine Gadsby and I am a Nipissing nursing student with a strong passion for public and community health. I completed my undergraduate degree in Public Health at the University of Waterloo, and I believe nurses are so well-positioned in our communities and healthcare systems to positively impact population health which was a core driver in my decision to become a nurse. I have been co-leading my school’s Best Practice Guideline (BPG) group where our aim is to create an educational program to facilitate the adoption of evidence-based practice by nursing students. I have discovered a strong appreciation for the knowledge translation process, and I am keen to adapt this to the role of a student rep for CHNIG by helping students implement core community and public health concepts into their practice.  


Kelsey Lothian

I am entering my second year of the nursing program at Humber after a decade in organizing and youth work. It was working in a food justice collective where I saw community empowering health care work in action. Through work and advocacy with sexual health clinics, community health centres, midwifery clients and in-home care, I have been inspired by nurses who provide person-centred care that is woven into the fabric of people’s lives. To CHNIG, I would bring my love for the transformative potential of community healthcare, administrative prowess and my creative approaches to outreach and engagement. 


Ava Meade

Hello! I am a dedicated and ambitious third-year nursing student at Ryerson University with an enthusiasm for community health nursing. The roles I have previously held, including RNAO Student Ambassador and in various mentorship programs, have inspired me to further serve the student and nursing community. If elected I will act as an open line of communication to support and advocate for nursing students so they may receive the guidance and resources that will facilitate valuable experiences within CHNIG. I would truly be honoured to receive your vote and fulfill CHNIG’s Student Representative Board of Director Position!

As a CHNIG member, you are invited to submit your vote for two candidates that you feel would be a great fit for the CHNIG Student Representative position for 2021-2022.

Voting will open on Monday, August 9, 2021 at noon (ET) and end on August 23, 2021 at noon (ET). Results will be announced via email.

To vote, please visit:
