Webinar: Infant/Maternal Sleep & Postpartum Mood Disorders presented by Dr Robyn Stremler

Posted on Oct. 6, 2020, 11:43 a.m.

In this talk Dr. Stremler will outline factors affecting infant and maternal sleep; describe the relationships between infant and maternal sleep and mental health; and discuss interventions to improve infant and maternal sleep.

"Sleep when the baby sleeps" is the traditional advice given to new parents but sleep deprivation is accepted as the new normal. Nurses have a key role in supporting new families. Can nursing care help prepare parents to manage the impact of inadequate sleep?  How can current nursing research inform practice and reduce the health issues related to sleep deprivation?  This webinar provides an opportunity to update your knowledge of infant/maternal sleep and to reflect on nursing practces that can promote healthy sleep for new parents/infants.

Dr Robyn Stremler is a sleep expert and researcher with the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing at the University of Toronto and is affiliated with the non-profit parent education website BabySleep.com developed by the International Pediatric Sleep Council" 

When October 28, 2020 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

The session is free for RNAO members of MCNIG Register now!: