Dear member,
We would like to introduce you to your new ONIG executive team members, as well as thank Beth Durrwachter (ONIG Treasuer/Finance) and Katie Jarrick (ONIG Membership) for their long time contributions on the ONIG executive. They will be missed!
We will be transitioning roles over the summer.
Your 2019-2020 ONIG executive:
President: Gillian Strudwick
Past President: Nancy Cunningham
President Elect: Monica Purdy
Communications: Dave Long
Education: Mary Willhoeft
Treasurer/Finance: Judita Szilagyi
Membership: Ryan Chan
Secretary: Gloria Johnson
Student: Adrian Congi
As well, please remember to fill out the **short** ONIG membership survey by July 3rd if you haven’t done so already :
Have a wonderful long weekend!
ONIG Executive