The Ontario Nursing Informatics Interest Group is inviting you to an education session with Dr. Pria Nippak, Associate Professor at Toronto Metropolitan.
ONIG Education Webinar: Exploring the Health Informatics Certificate Program at Toronto Metropolitan University
Speaker: Pria Nippak, BSc (Hons.), MSc, PhD; Associate Professor, School of Health Services Management, Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University.
Date: February 9, 2023
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Note: RNAO-ONIG AND non-RNAO ONIG Members may also register for this complimentary event via the following link upon providing their membership number. If you were able to register this event via the link, no additional registration via our website is required. https://forms.gle/jrRWUWzvfj4MMjAr8
The Zoom link for this event will be distributed to you prior to the event.
More about Dr. Pria Nippak
Contact: President ONIG; president@onig.on.ca