ONIG update

Posted on April 22, 2020, 3:36 p.m.


Dear ONIG members,

We hope that you are able to stay safe during this difficult and challenging time. As nurse and health informaticians, we imagine that you are very busy supporting Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic efforts at your various organizations. We acknowledge your efforts and thank you for all you are doing.

We are here to provide a few updates:

1) We have launched our new website. If you have a chance, please check it out at: www.onig.on.ca  Thank you to Iman Kassam for her support in updating the website, and to all of our members who provided feedback and suggestions to improve the look and feel of the website.

2) On our website, you will notice a section called “Covid-19 Resources”. We know there are numerous ways in which nurse and health informaticiains are supporting supporting Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic efforts. We have included some links to resources but would also like to post any initiatives that you are working on that you think could be helpful for other organizations. Please let us know if there is something you would suggest posting by emailing president@onig.on.ca

3) We are pleased to let you know of our RNFOO Scholarship winner this year, Danny Wang. Congratulations Danny! Danny’s photo and bio are posted on our website.

4) Our education day and AGM were cancelled in March due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). We plan to hold a virtual AGM for our members and will be in touch shortly with more information about this.

Again, thank you for all you are doing and we wish you all the best in these difficult times.

Your 2020 ONIG Executive Team