Register early for OCNIG’s AGM! This year's event takes place at the Toronto Hilton in downtown Toronto on Saturday, April 21. Breakfast is at 8:30 a.m. and your cost to register for the AGM will be reimbursed in full to you at the breakfast!
President Shirley Kennedy will reflect on the past year's achievements and attendees will welcome incoming president Angela DiMarco.
Paula Manuel will discuss self-care for the correctional nurse and guide us through some relaxation and mindfulness exercises.
Finally, members will have a chance to voice their opinions, news and visions during the “Member’s Voices” session.
Immediately following the OCNIG AGM, we will join RNAO’s closing keynote presentation that will explore the legalization of cannabis and what that means for nursing practice in the future.
Join your colleagues for this chance to network, share and learn!