2019 National Nursing Week

Posted on May 6, 2019, 9:32 a.m.


Dear members,
The Community Health Nurses' Initiatives Group Board would like to express sincere wishes to all Community Health Nurses (CHNs) during the 2019 National Nursing Week. 
This year's theme, "Nurses: A Voice to Lead - Health For All," reflects the fact that "every nurse has a story and every story has the potential to improve the health system and enable individuals and communities to achieve their highest attainable standard of health.  From these insights comes the power for change."  Health for All means “not just the availability of health services, but a complete state of physical and mental health that enables a person to lead a socially and economically productive life.”  Learn more about the origins of Nursing Week at the Canadian Nurses Association.
In this ever-changing time, CHNIG plays an even more pivotal role in influencing health and social policies, and being the strong VOICE for community health nursing in Ontario.
This week, we salute and thank all CHNs in Ontario!  Thank you for your continued passion, commitment, and dedication to vulnerable populations and the public we serve to reduce health inequities, and ultimately make a positive difference to improve the health of Ontarians.  
Happy Nursing Week!