CHNIG 2019-2020 Board Members Announced

Posted on April 16, 2019, 4:59 p.m.

Welcome Spring and welcome to our new 2019-2020 CHNIG Board of Directors!

After a successful CHNIG Annual General Meeting which took place on April 13th at the Toronto Hilton Hotel, we are excited to announce that all our new positions have been filled and our new Board of Directors is now complete.

Your 2019-2020 CHNIG Board includes:

  1. President: May Tao
  2. President-Elect: Susan Tam
  3. Secretary: Claire Alexander
  4. Treasurer: Suzana Tavares
  5. Communications Website: Austin White
  6. Communications Social Media: Kelly Huang
  7. Professional Practice Home Health: Kay McGarvey
  8. Professional Practice Public Health: Karen Parkinson
  9. Team Co-Lead Research, Education and Professional Development: Emily Belita
  10. Team Co-Lead Research, Education and Professional Development: Pragathi Mulbagel
  11. Member Benefits: Natalia Stovicheck
  12. OPHA Liaison: Poonam Sharma
  13. Policy and Political Action: Felicia Kontopidis
  14. Governance: Cindy Baker-Barill
  15. Student Affiliate Member: Tara Lundy (accepting student applications until May 14th)

CHNIG will continue to act as a voice for community health nurses, influencing the health care system and health and social policy in areas which affect the work of community health nurses and the public we serve.

We truly have a great team and cannot wait to see what the upcoming year will bring!  Stay tuned to read the updated bios on our website to learn more about the CHNIG Board.
