CHNC (free) Webinar - February 27th 1200-1300h

Posted on Feb. 4, 2019, 4:49 p.m.

Happy February CHNIG Members!

We would like to extend an invite to all CHNIG members to join the webinar presented by the Public Health Leadership Competency Network, chaired by the Community Health Nurses'of Canada, as they share a knowledge transfer strategy focusing on leadership within public health practice.  In 2015, Leadership Competencies for Public Health Practice in Canada were released, founded on the premise that leadership competencies can be used strategically to integrate leader roles and behaviors into an organization’s culture, systems, processes and technologies.
Toronto Public Health implemented a Growing Leadership initiative based on the Leadership Competencies.  The purpose of the initiative is to increase the knowledge, skill and capacity of public health practitioners related to the leadership competencies within their role functions.  Growing Leadership uses the competencies to enable staff to build their leadership capacity through the development of a deliverable outcome that can be embedded into their current work.  Evaluation has demonstrated the success of the initiative and enabled program improvements.
In this session participants will:

  • Learn about the Leadership Competencies; 
  • Learn about Toronto Public Health's Growing Leadership initiative; and 
  • Hear from participants about their experience. 

Moderators: Ruth Schofield, Chair, Public Health Leadership Competencies Network (CHNC) and Assistant Professor, McMaster University

Presenter: Oma Boodoo,Consultant for Professional Practice at Toronto Public Health

Date & Time: Wednesday, February 27th from 1200h to 1300h


*There is no charge for this webinar!  Register now!

