Opportunity for CHNIG members to be engaged in RNAO's Leadership and Management for Nurses

Posted on Feb. 8, 2023, 4:18 p.m.

Dear CHNIG Member, 

As you may know RNAO has launched a new Leadership and Management for Nurses Program targeted to all nurses in middle manager roles across all sectors. The second program offering is for nurses in a manager or leadership role in the community settings including community, home health, public health, primary care and other community settings where nurses work. This offering runs from March 22, 2023 until June 14th, 2023 and those interested are now applying through an online application process. The selection of program applicants and notification process concludes on March 1st, 2023.  In the fall of 2022, the first and extremely successful offering of this program was targeted to nurse middle managers in the Long-Term Care and Hospital sectors.  The feedback has been tremendous.  

The attached document outlines information about the program including the topic areas and the teaching methodology, but please do not share this document all over. You can see the focus is on translation of knowledge to practice through cases and stories to help bring the content alive making sure it reflects today's health care context, and the specific sector.   We are delighted to announce that CHNIG will be partnering with the RNAO Program Planning Team on developing and delivering the applied program aspects as it is offered across all community practice areas.

We would like to involve CHNIG members, in helping with the various community practice settings sessions as speakers; as facilitators of small group case study discussions; or as authors of short case studies based on your experience. These are described in more detail here.

Speaking sessions are for sector specific groups of 30 participants and involve a 20-minute presentation based on your experience related to the topic area and a 10-minute discussion period.

The facilitated small group discussions involve facilitating a 30-minute discussion with a small group of 5-7 participants as they discuss a sector specific case related to the topic. Your role is to introduce the session, monitor discussion, ensure key concepts are highlighted and conclude the session.  The case study and analysis will be provided. 

Providing a case study would consist of sharing a short 2 -3 paragraph case study or being involved in developing a video vignette related to a key topic. The Program Planning Team will work with you on this.

Being a mentor involves working one on one virtually with a participant in the program, and meeting at least one hour per month. Further details are found here in the Mentorship Information Documents.

We welcome your engagement and will be delighted to hear about your interest in being involved in this exciting work!  Remember, your involvement can be limited to one or more topic areas: as a speaker, a facilitator of a small group discussion, or sharing a written case (anonymous) depicting an experience you had in the nurse middle manager role in your health sector.  Please note at this time we have needs in the areas of community care, home care and public health.  

The Leadership and Management for Nurses Program can best be strengthened by involving practicing nurse middle leader/managers who can share stories of their own experiences and approaches to the realities and the challenges that are part of nurse leader and middle manager roles. We hope you will be excited about helping other nurse leader/managers learn the ropes of being effective in their roles. We look forward to working with you, and thanks for considering this opportunity.    

To help guide us in working together, attached is a link to a questionnaire for you to indicate the details and focus of your involvement in the program.  We thank you for your interest in this way of contributing your leadership and management expertise, and for completing the short questionnaire by end of day February 16th, 2023.

Kind regards,