CHNC Research Opportunity - Primary Care

Posted on Aug. 14, 2022, 5:31 p.m.


A national research project funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is looking to hear about the experiences of primary care providers. The study is titled "Pandemic Planning for Primary Care: Developing an Integrated Response Framework for Family Physicians, Nurses, and Pharmacists", led by researchers at Memorial University (NL), Dalhousie University (NS), Western University (ON), and Simon Fraser University (BC). Primary care providers play important roles during a pandemic while continuing to provide routine primary care in community-based practices.


While this may not be applicable to all CHNC members, the researchers are asking for your help in disseminating the study's information for recruitment of primary care nurses (including LPNs/RPNs, RNs and NPs) in certain regions across four provinces (NL, NS, ON, BC) to understand the roles they have been fulfilling during the pandemic. More information about the research project and information for the research team can be found here.