Funding Available: RNFOO Nurse Innovator and Connie Clerici Awards

Posted on June 2, 2022, 12:43 p.m.

Dear Members,

We know nurses have great ideas. If you have an innovative idea or are an aspiring or new nurse entrepreneur, consider applying for the RNFOO Nurse Innovator Award (NIA) or the Connie Clerici Nurse Entrepreneur Award (CCNEA). RNFOO extended the deadlines to June 17th, 2022, and there are webinars (NIA & CCNEA) on the RNFOO website that can help you with your application. RNFOO has up to $70K to award this year to NIA and $25K to CCNEA and the application process is very user friendly. There is a FAQ about the awards also posted on the RNFOO website. We know you have great ideas, and here is an opportunity to energize and support you in these difficult times. Please go to for more information.