Seeking your participation in OPHA survey on public health renewal and recovery

Posted on Jan. 8, 2022, 12:14 a.m.

Dear CHNIG Members,

Happy New Year! We hope you all enjoyed some time to rest and be with loved ones over the holidays! 

We are writing to seek your participation in an online survey about ways that we can support the recovery and renewal of the public health system in Ontario to build healthier communities. The Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA) is developing a position paper reflecting the various perspectives they have heard coming out of the experiences of those on the front lines of tackling COVID-19, and their recommendations for recovery and renewal. Their intent is to use this paper to influence the upcoming provincial election and the health agenda of a new or returning government.

Last fall, OPHA completed 14 discussion sessions with their members as well as their constituent societies, including a session for CHNIG members to receive feedback on the views of those on the frontlines of public health. OPHA is now interested in hearing your additional feedback through a quick survey on the rich insights and solutions proposed in these sessions.

Please take 2 minutes to fill out OPHA's future of public health survey here.

The survey closes end of day on Friday, January 14th, 2022. Please email any questions to Thank you for your time and participation!