Season’s Greetings

Posted on Dec. 6, 2021, 11:28 a.m.
CHNIG Holiday

Dear members,

As the end of 2021 draws near, we reflect on all of the special moments over this past year. CHNIG collaborated with RNAO’s Peel and Chatham-Kent Chapters to host a virtual Nursing Week Celebration showcasing nursing stories and a special performance from Peel Region’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Lawrence Loh, which was followed by a comedy show. We also partnered with RNAO Peel Chapter to organize the 2021 RNAO Fall Tour and shared a day with RNAO Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Doris Grinspun. We discussed the concerns of nurses across Ontario, especially regarding working conditions, and Bill 124, a legislation that limits wage increases to a maximum of one per cent for RNs, NPs, and other health-care professionals.

CHNIG members have also been active over the past year. During the 2021 RNAO AGM, they submitted a resolution on safer drug supply programs, which was approved with tremendous support. They also participated in the 2021 Toronto Street Needs Assessment to determine the scope and profile of people experiencing homelessness in Toronto, gave people experiencing homelessness a voice, and provided critically important data used to improve services and programs. In addition, we greatly appreciate the participation from our CHNIG members in a Discussion Session with OPHA on October 27th as your feedback will help to shape the future of public health in Ontario.

These are but a few highlights of the work of CHNIG and its members over this past year. We appreciate and recognize your support and dedication in creating healthier and stronger communities. You are the voice of nurses, individuals, families, and communities across Ontario. We welcome members to join our committees: Policy and Political Action, Professional Practice, Research, Education, and Professional Development, and Student Affiliate. If you are interested in joining our committees, you can reach us at As a team, we will achieve even greater success in the coming year!

We wish you and your family happy holidays and a prosperous new year!




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