Happy Nursing Week from CHNIG President

Posted on May 4, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

Dear members,


On behalf of Community Health Nurses’ Initiatives Group (CHNIG) Board, I would like to express my sincere wishes to all Community Health Nurses (CHNs) during the 2018 National Nursing Week. 


This year’s theme, "#YESThisIsNursing", describes nursing roles in community health as evolving at an exponential rate, especially with the proposed increases in scope of practice. 


In this ever-changing time, CHNIG plays an even more pivotal role in influencing health and social policies, and being the strong VOICE for community health nursing in Ontario.


This week, we salute and thank all CHNs in Ontario!  Thank you for your continuous passion, commitment, and dedication to vulnerable populations to reduce health inequities, and ultimately make a positive difference to improve the health of Ontarians.


Happy Nursing Week!


May Tao 
CHNIG President