Happy Holidays & A Joyous New Year!!

Posted on Dec. 18, 2019, 9:04 a.m.


Dear CHNIG members,

As another year draws to a close, most of you will be in the midst of preparing for this festive season. This is a very special time of the year as it provides many of us with some time to enjoy the company of family and friends. It also gives us a time to reflect on special moments over the year.

CHNIG has had an exciting year in 2019. This is a year that CHNIG has collaborated with many of our partners. In our AGM, we invited the RNAO Chief, Executive Officer, Dr. Doris Grinspun and the MPP Mississauga Centre, the honourable, Natalia Kusendova, to discuss their thoughts on public health modification and how best to shape the future to benefit the health of our population in Ontario. We also joined the Ontario Association of Public Health Nursing Nurses Leaders (OPHNL) to provide recommendations and inputs to our government on the community health nursing (CHN) roles in the new envisioned public health system. As well, we collaborated with the Peel Chapter to organize a RNAO Fall tour. This is the first time CHNIG has collaborated with a regional chapter and a public health unit to organize an event. The RNAO President, Dr. Angela Cooper Brathwaite was our keynote, who delivered an inspirational message on nursing and policy. CHNIG would like to thank Peel Public Health for allowing us to use their office for hosting the event and our board meetings. In addition, we collaborated with the Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC) to organize a webinar on the Community Health Nurses of Canada Professional Practice Model and Standards of Practice; and continues to provide our support to the CHNC CHN Leadership Standing Committee.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for your contributions and support to strengthen the role of community health nurses, and build healthier and stronger communities in Ontario. You are the source of strength and voice of CHNIG!! In the coming year, we will continue the good work and strive for even greater success!!

We hope this holiday season is an exceptionally good and safe one and that the New Year brings you much health, happiness and prosperity.


The CHING Board