Oxford chapter has a new president

Posted on Sept. 30, 2019, 9:31 a.m.

Dear member,

Please welcome Leighanne Swance as Oxford’s new chapter president. 

This is an exciting time for Oxford.

If you have interested in getting involved in your chapter, there are opportunities. Please contact the executive with your interest. This is your chance to make a change and be part of change. 

Last year, two consultative representatives represented the chapter at the annual general meeting. For this year we will not know how many we can have until after the membership blitz is completed. Please check your calendar for June 11-13 2020. As a representative you must attend the meeting Thursday evening meeting and be present in the meeting room Friday morning by 07:45 a.m. The AGM is an energizing time and allow you to connect with amazing professionals.

Thanks for your continued support in the Oxford chapter.

Brenda McCurdy