Dear Halton Chapter Members,
On behalf of the RNAO Halton Chapter Executives, I would like to wish you a productive and prosperous 2019!
We are off to a good start this year. I would like to inform you of two upcoming webinars that may be of interest to you.
First, our very own Sue Faber, Political Action and Policy Executive Network Officer will be a keynote speaker at a Nurse Practitioner sponsored webinar on Lyme Disease. This webinar is by registration only and so I encourage you to register at https://myRNAO.ca/NPIG_Insider3. This webinar is scheduled for January 23, 2019, 5:30 - 6:30 pm (EST). The event is free. The link to the webinar will be given to you by the organizer on the day of the event.
Second, the RNAO Halton Chapter is sponsoring a webinar on Indigenous Health entitled: Working with Indigenous people to provide health care. The keynote speakers are Barbara Loeprich, NP and Aric Rankin, NP. This event is scheduled for February 4, 2019, Monday, 1200-1300. It is free but you will need to register using the link https://myrnao.ca/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id=618
Please see attached flyers for further information. The link to the webinar will be given to all those that registered on the morning of the event.
Once again, we look forward to a fruitful year. The Halton Chapter Executives are excited to connect with you - to advocate and speak up for health.
Nurses care!
Your President,
Louela Manankil-Rankin, RN, PhD