Upcoming actions and dates to save

Posted on April 3, 2019, 11:36 a.m.


Valued Region 6 members:

In RNAO's membership driven organization, each of us counts equally in our one member, one vote model.

Therefore, if you have not already voted; vote on RNAO's website and register to participate in this year's not to be missed AGM at the Hilton from April
11th to the 13th.

Be there at the President's Banquet when my term as your Chapter President ends and Piroska Bata takes over to advance this Region to greater possibilities.

Save the Dates: May 1st when for the very first time, Region 6 will have scholarships presented at the RNFOO Gala. Celebrate and cheer as Region 6's winner are presented with their scholarships.

Save the date: Saturday June 22nd for our Region 6 AGM at the Old Mil where we will also be honouring long-standing RNAO members and having time to rest, relax and practice self-care.

Very much looking forward to seeing you in person at the above activities.

Hilda Swirsky, RN, BScN, MEd
Region 6 President